Blink SIP client
Blink is a state of the art, easy to use SIP desktop client for Mac, Windows and Linux. Blink offers Rich Multimedia Communications based on SIP protocol using Future Proof Addressing in the form of an e-mail address. Easy integration with existing SIP Service Providers. Open Source, you get the source code and you can contribute.

Blink is an IETF based SIP client that implements audio and video sessions using RTP protocol, session based Instant Messaging, file transfer and multi-party chat sessions using MSRP protocol, screen sharing using VNC protocol, publication/subscription for presence information and buddy list management using RLS and XCAP protocols.
Wideband Audio (Opus and G.722 codecs)
HD Video (H.264 and VP9 codecs)
Chat and File Transfer (MSRP protocol)
Presence (SIP SIMPLE)
Screen Sharing (VNC protocol)
End-to-end Encryption (ZRTP, OTR and OpenPGP protocols)
Multi-party conferencing
Synchronization between multiple devices
Offline messaging
Delivery and read receipts
To download the software go to